Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saludos de Epuyen

Greeting after a week away. We have been at a new farm that is a bit remote. This weekend we have come into town to use the internet and to go to craft fairs and the likes in El Bolson (a very cool little town here in Patagonia).

The new farm is full of new things. The most notable is beekeeping. We got to put on the beekeeping garb and help a bit with the beekeeping, which seems fair since we have eaten our weight in the delicious honey. My curiosity is peaked about the amazing little creatures, so I hope to keep learning more about them.

With many large gardens, this farm seems rather ideal. Trees cover the land with small pockets of land for gardening. The farmer grows and wonderful variety of fruits (lots of raspberries) and vegetables and has no interest in making money from his product, but only in providing for the consumption of his family from their small piece of land. They also have 5 sheep which graze and from which they get meat (no sheep milking here unfortunately(of and we have been snacking on sheep heart and sheep liver pudding...delicious!)). They also have chickens and we get to eat fresh eggs every morning. There is nothing quite like eating breakfast of fresh eggs from the chickens outside your window along with a piece of bread covered in raspberries from the garden and smothered in honey from the bees , also kept outside your window. All this in a valley surrounded by snow capped mountains, very nice.

We will be in this region for the next month. We were not sure what to expect, but we couldn´t be happier with the natural beauty that surrounds us!

We came across this gem today and could not resist.

Setting up camp so we can relax away from the farm for the night. Notice Adam´s awesome hat, made by Tracy. So warm, such nice earflaps.

Acted like I was taking a picture of Tracy so I could capture the Gaucho waiting for the bus. I want to learn more of the history of the Gaucho.


Grillmaster Tracy:

The highlight of our fantastic hike in Parque Nacional Llao Llao (near Bariloche):


Carol said...

Hey, Tracy, Did you borrow a coat, or break down and buy one? It's wonderful to see pictures again. Please hang on to this camera. It would be a very long year without pictures. Love you.

Adam and Tracy said...

It is actually the raincoat you gave me last year for my is just over layers of everything else I brought! We´ll try to keep up with this camera.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a made-up place in an old Marx-Brothers movie... ("Hi" from Cuzzin Joe)

Anonymous said...

HA!! I knew it!!! There's Gaucho Marx waiting for the bus... (Cuzzin Joe again)

Anonymous said...

I love your hat and scarf...did you knit them? Great pictures. Fresh raspberries and eggs and honey...Yum! I could live without the sheepwhatever, though. Love, Gail

Church Lady Chronic-ails said...

Great yarnart work, Tracy. Adam- You've got a little something on your chin- it is showing up in the pics.

The pic with the mountains in the background is amazing. Let's frame it or make it into a billboard.
we miss you

Anonymous said...


I really can't ever remember it actually getting hot, even in the summer....sorry. But the days are beautiful and crisp. I used the eat many of the same "delicacies" that you are talking about, I actually tried mountain oysters (sheep) once, not too bad, considering.


helms said...

There's a pretty decent article on Gauchos on the wikipedia site:

This looks like a great place to be for an entire month!

Anonymous said...

Was thinking... you're not going to want to come back home except maybe to see people you like, huh?

Are you finding many Germans in Argentina? The lederhosen-esque and Barley-maid pic made me wonder. There was a big migration of Germans to Argentina during the end of the nineteenth and through the first half of the twentieth centuries. Would give Adam a chance to use his German, and Tracy could find another roommate - I know how you love those Germans!

Thanks for the pics. Pax.


Unknown said...

Hey guys,
Love the pictures and you are making me hungry! Adam you are really starting to look homeless so i guess that will keep all the robbers away...? Have a random queestion that i don't know if you will get in time. Rachel and I are going up to Boone next week and were thinking about calling up your parents to see if they wanted to have dinner or something but we have no way of getting in touch with them! I don't even know if they will be in town for Thanksgiving but figured if we were up there we'd love to see them.