Sunday, August 24, 2008

Que Hay de Nuevo?

One month until we are off. We are leaving Raleigh on the 26th and heading to Miami where we will hang out with Aaron and Lilly. Aaron is a good friend of many many years, so it will be good to see his face. On the 28th it is off to Montevideo and on October 1 we will be making our way onto the farm.

We tried to pack our stuff a few days ago just to make sure it would all fit. We each will carry about 20 pounds. Not bad for a year, but it should be interesting to see how that will work out.

We have made contact now with a farm in Argentina and have made plans to spend 4-5 weeks there. So far, no word back from Chile.

A dull update, but an update nonetheless.


KaKi said...

Hey, I want to see you guys to say goodbye before you leave!!! call me!!

Maria said...

estoy emocionada para ustedes, pero estoy triste que no puedo verles por casi un ano. les voy a extranar muchisimo. que aprendan y diviertan mucho uds. :) les amo