Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Muchas Gracias a los Padres

No, we are not thankful to a San Diego baseball team. We are grateful to our parents for helping us to figure out some of the details for this trip. From being attached to bank accounts in case of emergency to helping us figure out hundreds of other little problems, they have been very helpful.

You never know what to expect from parents when it comes to telling them you are leaving the country for a year, missing all major holidays, will be only available by email and the occasional phone call and are traveling through countries that occasionally get press for unpleasant things. We have gotten only support and excitement.

We are grateful.

The parents (most recently known as Gramma and Pops); Maria who's Spanish is quickly surpassing mine, Helms and Greg ( who run a really cool place in Charlotte that all should check out and learn from; John Tyson, the handsome nephew a.k.a. Juan, El Guapo, J., etc.; and Tracy and I. (In no particular order since I cant see the picture as I type.)

Tracy and her parents in Vilas. Check out the barn quilt!

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