Friday, October 10, 2008

Breaking Our Addictions

We have 10 days on the farm under our belt. We are still having fun and feel like we are learning a great deal. Early spring is a difficult time to jump into this, as we are learning. Having jumped in without the opportunity to have canned or frozen things from past seasons, greens are the only thing in our garden. Between some big leafy collard like plant and cabbage, we are eating a lot of greens. We have learned that a neighbor sells oranges from his yard and they are amazing. We are eating our weight in those. The cheese is also very good. The owner of the farm makes an amazing cheese from the sheep milk. Our goats milk makes good yogurt and our lemon tree gives us delicious lemonade. However, take all of this and add a single gas burner, some old pans, and a trip to the supermarket for some rice and pasta and some flour for bread and you still dont get the variety that we have become accostomed to in the US. The produce section of Harris Teeter doesnt really have too many seasons.

So this feels like it has been a time of breaking our addicitons. Our cravings for fast food or tomatoes go unanswered because there just arent any. Our time for relaxation is not consumed with television, internet, NCSU athletics (and the constant sorrow that comes with them), radios, or other forms of entertainment, but is spent sitting outside watching and listening to those things that surround us. Not because we choose to do this out of nobility, but because when you open our door (that doesnt really close anyways) that is what is there and there really isnt anything else.

I am not sure that we knew we would have to go quite so cold turkey, but here we are in `el campo`.

One thing that does bring great entertainment is realizing how mundane things sound way cooler when put into context of being where we are (at least in my head). For example¨"I am sitting in a chair on the porch" sounds pretty dull, but "I am sitting in a chair on the porch in Uruguay" sounds really cool. "I am listening to electronica an internet cafe in Uruguay", see you are jealous aren´t you??

OK, so now it is letting me add some pictures, we will see how many actually happen.

This is me riding my bike on our beach excursion this past Sunday.


Unknown said...

Yes, I'm jealous ;)

helms said...

What a cool picture!

Is there refridgeration? Power? What's the process for making the cheese?

Why don't the farm people have some dried or canned food stocked?

At least the growing season is on its way!

gregjarrell said...

Leafy greens and citrus fruit? I bet you poop half a dozen times a day.

Of course, it can be much cooler: I bet you poop in Uruguay a half dozen times a day.

Church Lady Chronic-ails said...

New veggies to try. New views to see. Have you seen God yet?