Sunday, October 12, 2008

¿Photos Perhaps?

We spent our day off today going to a city called Colonia San Francisco. About an hour away it was a nice little break from our daily social life with the 60 sheep, 2 goats, 2 chickens one dog and lots of fleas. We will have to go back through another day because it is the way to Buenos Aires, Argentina and we look forward to going back and hope it is not rainy and messy for most of the day as it was today. Colonia is kind of the historic museumy city of Uruguay and many of the area were quite nice. Lots of tourists appear to be there, though most of them appear to be from Latin American countries.

OK, on to the photos.

This is our humble little room. We didnt get much sleep last night because a storm came through and kept blowing that back window open. Rooms do not connect on the inside and you have to go from room to kitchen to bathroom by going outside.

This is our house. There arent any other houses around within view. It is 2km to the other part of the farm we work on and 4km to get into town. The milking house and cheese making facility as well as a large barn is in our back yard.

On of the last days that the Belgians, Ana and Dominique were at the farm, we grilled out some steaks. Tracy is on the left (of course) and beside her is Hector who we work most closely with on the farm. He is 22 and lives nearby and is brilliant in every aspect of farming and just being able to fix anything that breaks. Fortunately, he is also a good motorcycle driver as he and Adam went to buy some things at the store requiring Adam to ride on the back with his hands full (my mother will love that part!).

This is what laundry day looks like every few days (since we didnt have room for too many clothes). Tracy does most of the washing while Adam hangs it all up on the line to dry. Our work days are from 730-1030 and then from 2-5, so it is nice to have a lot of time to do things (including laundry or especially napping) during the afternoon while there is plenty of sunlight. We do have electricity, but the only things it serves is a refrigerator and one light bulb in each room.

In the evenings we have to round up the sheep from the pasture and put them into a smaller pen for the night. Part of this is helping the baby sheep that you can barely see here to eat. He can graze as he is old enough to digest grass, but he also gets milk with our help. We haven´t clarified the story, but suposedly his mother rejected him and so now it requires one of the sheep to be held in order for him to eat. This is me (Adam) holding the sheep for the baby to drink.

This is our bread oven. I am trying to build a decent fire inside in order to raise the temperature enough to cook the bread, which we add later after removing the coals. This photo was taken just before Adam sliced his finger wide open with a sharp knife.

We are still having a great time and have about 10 days left on this farm before we head off to Argentina. Hasta Luego...


Maria said...

que lindas las fotos... a mi me gustan muchas. estoy celosa :)

Church Lady Chronic-ails said...

WOW. I love the bread oven outside.

Carol said...

Hi, I am so glad that you were able to post pictures. You both look so good. Great boots, Adam. Are they big enough? I'm just going to ignore the motorcycle story, since I'm half a world away, and can do nothing about it, except to say "BE CAREFUL". And the same goes for using a knife. (Hope the finger is healing nicely). I love the oven...looks like someone has a sense of humor. Sorry you had rain on your day off. Wish I could ship you a perfect day like we had today, with clear blue skies, and brilliant autumn colors. Take care. Love you.

Gail said...

Thank you for the pictures...I love the one of Adam holding the sheep..some pictures are worth a thousand words! You both look happy and healthy, I guess no fast food is a good thing. What are the foods that you miss the most? What is the most important thing you have learned so far?

You are on our minds and in our prayers often. Love to you both.

DH said...

Well, I guess you really are in Uruguay. I thought this whole thing was a hoax just so you could get out of coming to Sunday night bible study. Guess I was wrong.

Miss you guys. My love and prayers are with you.