Friday, October 3, 2008

Life on the Farm

We made it to the farm, after taking two busses, and being picked up by a guy named Hector in a 1950-something truck. Hector is who we work with on a regular basis milking sheep. That is our main task here on the farm. The house we´re staying at is about 4 kilometers away from ¨town¨ which is where there is a supermarket and internet cafe. We have two bikes to use to get there. We have also learned how to use an outdoor bread oven. We will post pictures, and more explanation next time as 4 kilometers is a long way to go back when you have forgotten your camera.


Carol said...

How appropriate that Hector picked you up from the bus. I would love to share some of that bread. Take care of yourselves. Love you.

Church Lady Chronic-ails said...

Outdoor bread oven. Let's make one here!

Unknown said...

Milking sheep? Does that mean that they to shear the cows south of the equator? What is the local water supply? Keep on posting when you get a chance - we are thinking of you often. Joel & Caroline

KaKi said...

Milking sheep? I have never heard of such! But the outdoor bread oven, now that sounds cool! I am with Mel, let's build one here!!!!

Carol said...

Hey, Guys,
Doug is building an outdoor oven at Maverick Farm right now, and hopes to finish it in October. Hillary wants to bake bread there and sell it at the farmer's market. He was excited that you are using one, and said he would help build one when you return. He thougt it was neat how much you are learning.
Love you!

gregjarrell said...

Of course Hector picked you up. These farm consists of 40 of them.

gregjarrell said...

Sorry for the typo there. Don't know how 'the' became 'these.'